Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mao's Birthday

Yesterday was Mao's 7th birthday so keeping with our new birthday tradition I took this birthday picture of him. Josh decorated by putting up the birthday banner and of course instead of putting it down by him, I lifted all 40lbs of Mao to the counter (lifting with my back in small jerking motions of course) and took this picture before he jumped off. Mao is so cute I love him! He is the best dog ever and now that he is considered a senior in dog years he gets to retire and just sleep and eat all day long...wait that is all he does already.


  1. Oh that dog. I can't decide whether I want to hug him or just use his soft floppy paws to clean the counter.

  2. I remember one time I saw Mao eat some of Ween's feces. I still don't know what to think about that.

  3. Happy Birthday Mao. We love you!!!
