Monday, August 23, 2010

The Great Baseball Game

We had a very fun weekend last weekend. We were able to go to a Salt Lake Bees Baseball game. The Bees didn't win the game, but the fact that we were at a baseball game wasn't even the fun part of the night the best part was when Josh was able to get a picture with the new Jazz power forward Al Jefferson! I am a little disappointed in my self because I turned the flash off earlier and when I took the picture of Josh with Al, as I like to call him, it was pretty blurry but it is a real picture and it was amazing!

There was also a Bald Eagle who was trying to fly away the whole time the national anthem was being sung.

Some fireworks that were super loud I thought I was going to be deaf by the end.

This is Al Jefferson relaxing watching the baseball game.

And the best part Josh with Al who is 6'10" and I am pretty sure right at this moment Josh was wetting his pants!

1 comment:

  1. What's funny is Al Jefferson was wetting is pants at the same time. Cause honestly, how often do you get your picture taken with one of the Team Leads at Xango? Its a rare occurrence, like a lunar eclipse or a vampire movie that doesn't blow.
