Saturday, November 20, 2010

Poor Sick Mao

Poor Mao got a small ear infection, and because of that he kept scratching at his neck. He was itching his neck so bad he got what is called a hot spot, which is like a sore on his neck from scratching it so much. He had to take an antibiotic, which in order to get him to take we had to wrap the pill in turkey,but when we did that he didn't even chew the pill he would just inhale it. We also had to rub a cream in his ear and on his sore to prevent an infection. The poor guy kept itching his neck so we had to get this cone and when he would wear it he had horrible depth perception and kept running into walls and doors and he couldn't understand that it was becasue of the huge cone he had around his head. Luckily he has healed nicely and is feeling much better but, I will admit I kind of liked having to put him in that cone it was pretty entertaining to watch him try to walk around with that thing!


  1. Oh...I thought Kristy had just dressed Mao up as a satellite dish.
    Ok, that was pretty lame.
    He does look pretty great in the 'cone of shame'

  2. poor should put Josh in the cone and see what happens.
